Thursday, March 22, 2007

Seattle is Amazing!

I am having such a great time at the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Conference, that I don't even know where to start! Today was day two of the conference, and it was the day of my poster presentation. I couldn't believe how many people came to see my poster. I ran out of handouts in three minutes, and I brought 100 of them! I felt really bad for everyone who wanted one of my handouts, so I have posted the handout on line. It can be found here:

One good thing about not having enough handouts is that I have finally worked out how to use my webspace at the University of Calgary to make a webpage. It's funny, because so many people think that I am some sort of internet expert, but actually, all I do is just muddle along one step at a time. I think that should be the title of my presentation for next year's conference, how to muddle your way through the net.

Anyway, I really enjoyed having the chance to meet and talk with so many people. It was fascinating to hear what people are doing with their blogs all around the globe. I hope many of the people that I spoke to today will have a chance to drop me a line and let me know how they are doing with their blogs. Over the next few days I'm hope to post more and more information to my U of C website so that people can access more information about blogs and how to use them in their classrooms . . . exciting stuff!


EsTella said...

Hi Scott!!
Sounds like your idea about blogging are pretty popular in Sattle!! That's great!!
Hope u'll be back soon and share your experience with us!!

Mrs. Moreno said...

Dear Scott--
Well, I found your blog here and want to say thanks for teaching us how to create a blog! It's fun. I now feel like I am more a part of the 21st century...ha! I hope I will be able to use this with my students.
Best wishes,
Karen Moreno from KentSchool in Connecticut

Thomas said...

Your Saturday morning session has been great! Just what I needed!


anna said...

Hello Scott,
It seems like you have achieved a triumph at the conference. Congratulations.

Alif said...

Hi Scott,
it sounds like blogging is getting popular by the conference. Many people will start blogging. It's a great achievement.